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Cariboo Railroad Contracting Corp.

Cariboo Railroad Contracting Corp. (Cariboo Rail) has been in the railroad construction business since the year 2000, incorporated on March 5, 2003 by Blair Irwin, President/CEO.

Our team of industry leaders have decades of experience, responsible for hundreds of miles of track work projects, exposure to the broad spectrum of railroad projects including large industrial sites, metro/skytrain projects, bridges and tunnels, and highway overpasses. Our people have risen to the geographical challenges of the Canadian mountains with heavy mountain grades and tunnels to working on the Canadian prairies in temperature ranging from + 30 degrees celsius to -30 degrees celsius.


Construction & Maintenance

  • Annually scheduled track maintenance programs

  • New track construction

  • Full grade construction

  • Temporary support staff for railway track departments both in management and mobile maintenance crews

  • 24 hr. emergency repairs

  • Derailment repairs and track reconstruction (extensive supervisory experience)

  • Dismantlement and salvage

  • Rail welding and switch grinding

  • Specialty installations – crossings, switches, derails, stop blocks etc

Equipment & Track Materials

  • Track material procurement

  • Crane service 20 ton and 90 ton

  • Crane truck with crew for sperry programs

  • Options available for track surfacing for large or small projects


  • Project management for both maintenance and capital programs

  • Budgeting for maintenance and capital programs – yearly and five year assessments

  • Certified track inspections and detailed reporting

  • Consulting for companies planning to build rail spurs to help with choosing the right locations and engineering firms as well as budgeting on the cost of projects

  • Safety officers and consultants specifically trained and experienced on the railway

  • Environmental reclamation of industrial sites and consulting

  • Flagging services for OCS and CTC territories

Bryan Gibson / General Manager Cariboo Railroad Contracting Corp. T: 778 478 1745   C: 778 581 0484   F: 778 478 1746